USFHP Blog- Family Matters

Lets get things spicy!

Written by Brandy Harrison | Aug 14, 2019 10:00:00 PM

Here are 5 ways to make healthy spices become a part of your life.

Here at US Family Health Plan we take health and nutrition very seriously! We want to tell how you can add some 'spice" in your life. Spices are not only healthy but they are quite tasty too! They also have many benefits that can contribute to a healthier diet. Did you know that spices have have hidden talents? They could speed up your metabolism, help with a cold and even heal ulcers. On top of that they can be consumed all year around... So don't try to cut back during the summer!

Most of us are aware of the long list of unhealthy foods we should all try to avoid. These include foods that are overly fatty, highly processed or just have too many empty calories. Sure, we know too much salt or sugar is a problem. But were you aware that there are seasonings that are great for you, and make your everyday meals healthier and tastier?

Here is a list of our 5 favorite healthy spices you can add to your everyday meals. Please get as creative as you like (in moderation). Not only will you get the great health benefits, you will reap the taste benefits too! Who doesn’t need a little spice in their life?

1. Turmeric. Turmeric fights inflammation in the body, can offset the effects of arthritis and helps sooth the digestive system. However, it’s most important benefit is that it can provide major anti-cancer benefits, that can help you avoid cancer or even help stop cancer’s progression. Often used in Indian cuisines – like curries or chutney – it has a distinctively tart taste. Use it in combination with cumin or cardamom to help round out its flavor. If the flavor doesn’t bother you at all, try a nice cup of turmeric tea in the morning to jump start your immune system. Cumin can also be used as a face mask just after 2 weeks of daily use, it could get rid of acne and blemish marks.

2. Rosemary. Did you know that the rosemary herb is your immune system’s BFF? Rosemary helps supports good circulation in the body and it boosts your heart and health. It is also great for digestion It helps calm down a nervous or irritated stomach. Try it with lamb, potatoes, or even chicken. Add a pinch to your evening cocktail. You’ll enjoy the taste while getting all the awesome health benefits. Just remember that a little rosemary goes a long way.

3. Basil. What did the Basil say to the chef? "Stop pesto-ing me!!" All jokes aside...pesto is pretty dang good, and guess what? Most of that flavor comes from basil. Basil is more likely on your taste bud radar than your health radar. In my opinion I believe it deserves to be on our honor roll of healthy herbs. Basil can calm inflammation and boost cardiovascular health.  In addition, it can fight off harmful bacteria that can harm your body.  

4. Cumin. Ever heard of beauty plus brains? Well, what about health plus taste? Cumin has it all and deserves a spot in your cabinet. If you are a Diabetic consider using cumin because it has shown to help with several conditions that affect patients with diabetes. Cumin provides essential minerals like phosphorus, thiamine, and potassium – all of which promote good health.

5. Thyme. Hit me baby one more thyme? Did you get it? Hopefully you did because Thyme is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants that you can add to your food. It’s one spice that can literally add time to your lifespan – no pun intended! These nutrients in your diet help protect the cells of your body from damage that is caused by free radicals. Thyme is an herb that has an earthy flavor it goes great with many soups, stews and salads but taste even better on fish or beef. This is another herb that you can grow right out in your home or backyard garden, If your interested in starting your own garden i'll leave a link below on how you can begin.

So start thinking of your spice rack as a less expensive form of medicine. Now you can naturally boost your health while trying these tasty spices. Of course we always recommend that you consult with your physician before increasing the use of any food or spice. This way they can advise you of the best diet for your specific situation. Great cooks always use spices in moderation.