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Upper respiratory infections (URIs), including the common cold, are affecting everyone this time of the year. So, during this time, it’s important to keep warm and stay safe so you can enjoy the festivities all year long, but to do that, you need as much information as possible.
Understanding Upper Respiratory Infections and the Common Cold
URIs include a range of illnesses that can affect your nose, throat, and sinuses including the flu, the common cold, sinus infection, laryngitis, and pharyngitis, and all of these illnesses are typically caused by viruses not bacteria.
Typical symptoms of viral URIs include runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, mild fever, and fatigue. These symptoms can typically resolve themselves in 7 to 10 days as the immune system fights off the virus.
How to Reduce the Spread of URIs
From sharing a cup of hot chocolate to offering your friend some lip balm, there are several common, yet unexpected, ways that URIs can spread this winter. So, as you and your loved ones continue to enjoy the holidays, make sure to wash your hands, maintain appropriate social distancing, and eat a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients so you can stay safe!
How To Manage the Common Cold
To combat the common cold and other URIs, getting as much rest as possible is key. On top of that, it’s important to stay hydrated to alleviate symptoms. If symptoms worsen or last longer than 10-14 days, consult a doctor to rule out potential complications or a secondary infection.
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