We had such a rough winter, that many of us put on more pounds than we would have liked. The vigor in which we ran, walked and or exercised was lessened by the harsh temperatures outside; even the entry of Spring came with a colder hello.
It's time to get back into the swing of things! US Family Health Plan is inviting you to join our "Get Fit" team. Our team is earmarked to participate in 5K runs, fun walks and family runs this summer season and beyond.
All of our members who sign up to participate in a run become "honorary" members of our team and receive exclusive gifts, messages and prizes.
Why not join us for one or more of our runs? You'll have loads of fun and meet other members who share your enthusiam for staying fit.
New to running?--perhaps you'll find a running buddy that encourages and roots you on as you enter this quest to "Get Fit" and stay fit.
Click here for more information on races.