In high school a quote that always stuck with me was Wayne Gretzky’s “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. Taking risk has been a struggle for me; I’m self-conscious about failing so I convince myself that trying is a waste of time and I think “Go for what you know Siri--it’s safer.
Stepping out on faith isn’t always the easiest thing to do, as humans we are often searching for ways to convince ourselves why it wouldn’t work or why we shouldn’t take a chance. When assessing risk, potential losses tend to be larger than potential gains, which can make you hesitant. But think about all of the great inventors, actors, musicians and entrepreneurs around the world. Their willingness to take a risk propelled their success.
Deciding not to let self-doubt stand in the way of our dreams is courageous even if we don’t win. All of us have aspirations---visions of what success is and how we will enjoy it once we get it.
As I look back on my life to date, I ask myself, where do I wish I’d been a little braver, believed more in myself and been less cautious?
Stepping out on faith is a brave move. It is a decision to put aside our fears and make ourselves vulnerable. When I speak with people older than me, I often hear “If I had the chance to do it again; I’d do it different” or “If I knew then what I know now” yada…yada… yada.----
FAM! Let’s pledge not to be that person waiting years and years living with regrets--- Let’s take a leap of faith and make it happen.
After finding your passion you have to be able to take risk. True happiness is derived when you have a healthy balance in life. Risk takers are more likely to find their happy place. US Family Health Plan A TRICARE Prime option wants you to stay happy and healthy.