Many health professionals recommend seasonal influenza (flu) vaccines as a preventive measure. But are they safe? Are they necessary? Do they actually work? Or are they a shot in the dark? The debate rages on, but the U.S. Center for Disease Control still urges families to get vaccinated against flu every year -- not only to safeguard their own health, but to prevent a large scale epidemic from taking hold in the U.S.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that today’s school meals include more fruits and vegetables, more whole grains, low-fat instead of high-fat milk, and sensible limits on calories, unhealthy fats, and salt. This is because nutritional standards have been revamped to ensure better nutrition for all of the 31 million children attending school in this country today.
Topics: Healthy Living, Family Matters
As parents, we often minimize the importance of teen stress and simply attribute it to over-active hormones, the search for popularity and peer pressure. However, recent studies have shown that teenagers actually do have a lot on their minds, even if parents only perceive their stress as “melodrama”. The fact is, many teens are stressed, maybe as much so or more than their parents.
Topics: Healthy Living, Education, Family Matters
5 Back to School Reminders to Keep Your Kids Healthy at School
Now that your kids are back in school, it’s also back to stuffy noses, sore throats, and common colds. This is the best time of year to give your kids the usual friendly reminders that help keep everyone healthy, happy and active in school. US Family Health Plan (USFHP) has a list of the top 5 reminders to share with your kids as everyone gets back into full swing this fall.
Topics: Healthy Living
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. US Family Health Plan would like to encourage all members to take some time this month to learn about the prevention, signs, symptoms, and risk factors associated with glaucoma.
Topics: Healthy Living