Military marriages often require the special art of being able to successfully navigate long periods of physical separation, especially when one spouse is deployed for long periods of time. Overcoming physical distance can be challenging no matter how much two people love each other. If you have kids, the distance can become even more difficult. US Family Health Plan – a TRICARE health program – has some tips to offer on how to keep those love flames going while you are separated from your loved one.
Topics: Military Families, US Family Health Plan, Miliary Marriage, Long, Happy Marriage, Marriage and Deployment
US Family Health Plan Employee Spotlight -- A Salute to Josephine Grey Martin
At US Family Health Plan, we appreciate the sacrifice and valor of our retired U.S. military service members. Our entire company is dedicated to serving the military community. We provide the TRICARE Prime benefit to military families. This coverage is available exclusively to U.S. military retirees and/or the families of currently deployed service members. For 20 consecutive years, we are happy to say we have consistently maintained a 90% or better approval rating by our current members.
Topics: TRICARE, US Family Health Plan, TRICARE Prime, U.S. Army
Even though it still seems a little brisk outside, by Memorial Day on May 30th we hope that warmer weather prevails. And whether it warms up or not, the New York New Jersey and Philadelphia area is primed for a weekend of amazing history, activities and fun for the whole family in honor of the great contribution and sacrifice of our brave U.S. Military service members.
Topics: TRICARE, US Family Health Plan, Family Fun, Intrepid, Memorial Day, FAM, Parades
Digital technology has changed the way we live our lives. While technological advance is a good thing, it has also had an intrusive effect on how we live and on our peace of mind. Some of us are starting to feel like androids from Star Trek, instead of real human beings. Just like them, we walk and drive around all day connected to wires and equipment that constantly beep and ring.
Topics: Healthy Living, TRICARE, stress, US Family Health Plan, TRICARE Prime, digital detox, unplug
Lately we’ve been reading a lot about the benefits of something called mindfulness. Maybe it’s because our lives have grown so hectic in this new digital age – and age where we are constantly bombarded with emails, texts, Facebook messages and phone calls. It’s when we feel like we’re actually losing our mind, that mindfulness seems more important.
Topics: TRICARE, stress, Mindfulness, US Family Health Plan, TRICARE Prime, meditation, Yoga